Winter Snow/Ice Information
Our goal is to keep our streets as safe as possible during and after a winter storm event. Our contractor will plow the streets shoulder to shoulder if possible.
We are going to pretreat the roads before any storm that will have measurable snow or ice. By doing this our contactor should be able to remove the snow and ice easier after the event. Pretreating the roads before a storm prevents the snow or ice from sticking to the roadway. This will cost us more than just plowing the roads after an event.
We ask that you try to do the following before each winter storm event.
Please move all vehicles to your driveway.
Please keep all trash cans away from the roadway.
After a winter storm event please do the following.
Please do not shovel your driveway or sidewalk snow into the streets.
Please contact a board member if you see any areas on our roads that concern you.
Below is a map of the streets that we maintain during a winter storm event.