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  • Radnor Green is a deed restricted development established in 1954. It contains 528 homes each having 3-4 bedrooms, built on 17 streets. The neighborhood is nestled in a densely wooded area and is split in half by I-95. Streets names are: Benning Road, Compass Drive, Delaware Ave, Glenrock Drive, Harvey Road, Hilldale Court, Honeywell Drive, Madison Avenue, Miles Road, New York Avenue, Newcomb Court, Olympia Drive, Osage Road, Pennsylvania Avenue, Wentworth Drive, Woodgreen Court, and Woodgreen Road.


  • The Radnor Green Civic Association is an incorporated organization dedicated to the safety, maintenance, beautification, and general welfare of the residents of our neighborhood.


  • The RGCA holds scheduled meetings, which are open to the public. These meetings serve as an opportunity to both hear and to be heard regarding important issues facing our community. In attendance are the RGCA officers, board members, and members of the general public. Local legislating officials and New Castle County Police liaison periodically attend giving residents the opportunity to get any concerns addressed in person.


  • Residents of Radnor Green seeking assistance from the RGCA or who would like to bring an issue to the RGCAʼs attention are encouraged to contact the board via email, or are welcome to attend our meetings.


  • The RGCA is a “grass roots” organization and is 100% dependent on volunteers. Your assistance will always be appreciated and the first way to show your support is to become a paid member.


  • All residents current in their dues payments are considered members of the association for the fiscal year. Membership allows residents to vote on any motions or resolutions proposed during association meetings, be eligible to run for any office, and grants a vote at the General Election.


  • Most of the RGCAʼs budget is dedicated to snow removal, newsletters and other communications. Occasionally these costs increase as more revenue is needed to sustain the level of service provided to the community.

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