Voted upon and ratified on October 14, 2023
Section 1. The name of this organization shall be the RADNOR GREEN CIVIC ASSOCIATION, INC., (RGCA for short) a non-profit organization organized and existing under the laws of the State of Delaware.
Section 2. RGCA membership consists of what is known as Radnor Green, Radnor Woods and a part of Claymont Addition.
Radnor Green/Radnor Woods- Benning Road, Compass Drive, Glenrock Drive, Harvey Road (801-911), Hilldale Court, Honeywell Drive, .Miles Road, New York Avenue, Newcomb Court, Olympia Drive, Osage Road, Pennsylvania Avenue (Osage Avenue to Miles Road), Wentworth Drive, Woodgreen Court, and Woodgreen Road.
Claymont addition- Delaware (Miles to Green Street),Madison Avenue (between Delaware and Pennsylvania) New York Avenue (Miles to Green Street), Pennsylvania Avenue (Miles to Green Street).
Section 3. All mail for the RGCA shall be sent to PO Box 262, Claymont, Delaware 19703.
The objectives of the Radnor Green Civic Association shall be:
Section 1: To provide a medium through which the members of the community can improve and promote the general welfare of the community through joint action arrived at by free and open discussion.
Section 2: To achieve a high quality of life for those residing in Radnor Green, Radnor Woods and a section of Claymont Addition through joint effort.
Section 3. To foster effective measures to improve common services, i.e. snow removal, trash removal, police protection etc.
Section 1. Any resident (owner or renter) of Radnor Green, Radnor Woods and Claymont Addition (as outlined in ARTICLE I. Section 2) shall be eligible for membership in the Association.
Section 2. Active members shall be those adults over 18 who have accepted the By-laws of the Association and paid their annual dues.
Section 3. Only those members whose dues are paid for the current fiscal year are eligible to vote. Only a single vote per individual household is allowed. In cases of multiple votes per household, each vote will be counted as a fraction of one vote, i.e. two persons voting in one household count as one-half vote each. Residents must vote in person.
Section 4. Current fiscal year October 1st through September 30th. Dues are per household. The Treasurer will accept dues payments on behalf of the Association. The amount of annual membership dues may be changed by majority vote of the Board.
Section 1. The affairs of the RGCA shall be managed by the Board of Directors (hereinafter known as the Board).
Section 2. All decisions by the Board shall be by majority vote of the Board members.
Section 3. At any civic association meeting called pursuant to the provision of these Bylaws, may exercise by two-thirds majority vote of eligible members in attendance, to change these bylaws, or the power of the Board, including the power to override said Board active membership is defined as those residents who are up to date on their dues.
Section 4. All residents of Radnor Green, Radnor Woods and Claymont Addition (as outlined in ARTICLE I. Section 2) may attend civic association meetings. However, only active members will have the power to vote.
Section 1. The officers of this organization (the Board) shall consist of a President, Vice President, Secretary, and Treasurer, all of whom shall be residents of Radnor Green, Radnor Woods and Claymont Addition (as specified in ARTICLE I Section 2) and have paid their annual dues. These officers shall constitute the Board.
Section 2. Standing or Special Committees may be composed of persons who are or are not members of the Board. Chairpersons for all committees shall be approved by the Board.
Section 3. President: The president shall preside over all meetings of the RGCA and of the Board. The President shall call all civic association meetings of the RGCA and release the date of the meetings no less than two weeks before a meeting. The President shall execute all agreements approved by RGCA or the Board.
Section 4. Vice President: The Vice President shall perform the duties of the President in the President’s absence or disability, or when requested by the president. The Vice President will assist the Treasurer on an as-needed basis and will double check the accuracy of the Treasurer’s books. In the event of the death, resignation or removal of the President, the Vice President shall become President. A new Vice President will then be elected at the next RGCA Meeting.
Section 5. Secretary: The secretary shall prepare and keep such notes of records of business of the RGCA or the Board, as the laws of the State of Delaware may require. The Secretary shall recap these notes/records at every civic association meeting. The Secretary and/or Treasurer shall prepare and keep on record a file of all the Association’s members and their addresses. The Secretary shall record and keep a record of all votes.
Section 6. Treasurer: The Treasurer shall keep full and accurate accounts of all financial transactions, receipts, and disbursements of the RGCA in the books belonging to the RGCA. The Treasurer shall deposit funds of the RGCA in such a depository as may be designated by the Board. The Treasurer, together with the President or Vice-President, shall be assigned to all financial accounts. The Secretary and/or Treasurer shall prepare and keep on record a file of all the Association’s members and their addresses. The Treasurer will provide a financial report for all public and Board meetings. The Executive Board shall appoint a committee of one or more persons to audit the accounts of the Association a minimum of once per fiscal year, or when the office of the Treasurer is vacated before the end of their term.
Section 7. The members of the Board shall hold the office for three (3) years beginning June 1 and concluding May 31, whereupon a new Board shall be elected by majority of the eligible RGCA members voting in person at the meeting of eligible RGCA members. The previous Board shall be available to the new Board for at least 30 days after the election of the new Board to ensure a smooth transition. All electronic and/or paper materials (including meeting agendas, meeting minutes, contracts, bills, sign in/password, the PO Box keys (2), bank statements, and the check registry) must be handed over to the new Board Members during that 30 day transition. In the event that a Board Member resigns, or is removed, The President can assign an eligible RGCA member, until the next meeting is held, and a new Board Member can be elected.
Section 8. Any officer of the Board may be removed from office for good and sufficient cause by a majority vote of the RGCA Board members. Vacancies shall be filled temporarily until the next association meeting by a majority vote of the Board.
Section 1. All elections to the Board shall be by majority vote of the members and voting shall be held at a general meeting before June 1 every three (3) years.
Section 2. Officers of the Board shall be elected from the active and eligible members of the RGCA.
Section 3. No person shall hold more than one elected office on the Board, at the same time.
Section 1. The dues will be subject to review and revision annually. The Board will review the budget and existing funds annually, before the new fiscal year (October 1st until September 30th), and vote on the annual dues owed per household.
Section 2. The fiscal year of the RGCA shall begin on October 1 and end on September 30 of the following year.
Section 3. The Board is authorized to approve all expenditures by a majority ruling of the board for any expenses under $500, with the exception of snow removal and Board insurance. Any expense over $500 shall be approved by a two-thirds majority vote of active members at the next public civic association meeting.
Section 1. Public Meetings of the RGCA shall be held a minimum of two times per year on such dates as shall be designated by the President. Residents shall be advised of the dates, times and locations by written notice, (ie. the RGCA Facebook Page, newsletter, email and/or text.) Signs will also be posted on the front island.
Section 2. The Board will make every effort to give access to meetings to RGCA members who cannot attend in person. The Board will use a social media platform (ei. Zoom, facebook, etc.), where those members can also view and/or participate in the meeting.
Section 3. Regular meetings of the Board shall be held monthly or on an as needed basis.
Section 1. These by-laws may be amended at any regular or special meeting of the Association called for that purpose or at the regular meetings of the Association. Notice of change shall be made available to the member’s one week in advance of the meeting.
Section 2. Unless otherwise provided prior to its adoption or in the motion to adopt, and amendment shall become effective upon adjournment of the meeting at which it was adopted.
Section 1. The rules contained in Robert’s Rules of Order shall govern this organization in all cases of which they are applicable and in which they are not inconsistent with these bylaws.